COMP NEWS – As AI surges into mainstream prominence, experts are debating whether or not new technologies will eliminate jobs or create new ones.

Are people’s jobs genuinely at threat due to AI, or is it merely hype intended to drive people to work harder? Welp, guess we have to work harder.

Although this is not the first time that such changes were happening in the very colorful history of mankind. This time, however, it’s different because of the impact that AI has had since November. 

According to a report by Goldman Sachs bank, it is said that technological advancement can replace a quarter of the tasks of workers in the United States and Europe but also means the opening of new jobs and new space for productivity.

The Goldman Sachs report also mentions that the impact of artificial intelligence will vary depending on the sector – 46% of administrative jobs and 44% of jobs in professions related to the law will be able to be automated. In the construction sector and maintenance, however, such replacement may affect 6% and 4% of jobs, respectively

According to the report, 60% of people today have jobs that did not exist in 1940.

According to one survey, a whopping 86% of CEOs say that AI is a mainstream technology in their office. However, only 7% of companies that don’t use AI are exploring the possibility of using it in the future.

The future of jobs using AI (Source- Advantis Global)
Source: The future of jobs using AI (Source- Advantis Global)

Experts contend that AI is going to both create and destroy more jobs as it becomes more prominently utilized.

Let’s reason why AI is creating more jobs than it’s destroying. AI technologies will only keep on evolving and taking up more and more of our daily lives, true. But, someone has to run these algorithms, right? This all requires skilled workers who are there to develop, implement, and maintain these systems. This results in creating a demand for jobs like AI specialists, data scientists, and engineers.


Also, AI will most likely only take over jobs that can be covered by automation. By doing this, AI is only allowing humans to focus on more creative and complex work. Specifically by doing this, new job roles will emerge. Jobs like “AI trainers” or “Explainability experts” will make sure that these systems will thrive and also be within ethical and responsible guidelines.


On the other hand, here’s why AI is destroying more jobs. As AI systems will become more and more advanced each day, they will be able to perform tasks that were traditionally only done by humans. This automation will most likely result in job displacement, especially in industries like manufacturing, transportation, and customer services.


Robots will also likely replace humans in the manufacturing process. Well, to be fair, it kind of already started. A Chinese factory in Dongguan City replaced 90% of its employees with robots which led to a whopp[ing 250% increase in productivity and an 80% drop in defects.

To read more about the creation (and destruction) of jobs through AI, click here.

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